Sedation Dentistry and Dental Anxiety Relief
Sedation Dentistry
Majority of dental patients are nervous before a dental procedure and may need some form of sedation to help relieve them of their anxiety. For some people their anxiety and nerves about having a dental procedure done are so severe that they avoid the dentist all together. However, thanks to all of the advancements in sedation dentistry patients who suffer from dental anxiety will be able to find some king of relief. In addition, there are different types of sedation and if you are suffering from dental anxiety your dentist will be able to consult with you to determine which type of sedation is best for you.
Relieve Your Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry
Our office is happy to provide relief for our dental patients who are suffering from dental anxiety. This is because these patients who would otherwise avoid the dentist are now able to take steps towards really maintaining their oral health. Also, we offer more than one type of sedation and the patient can choose which type of sedation they prefer to use. The sedation choice is based on the patient’s level of comfort.
Oral Sedation: Oral sedation is best for patients with a mild form of anxiety about their appointment. We prescribe a pill that will offer a sleepy, relaxed feeling throughout the length of your procedure. There may be some lingering effects for several hours as the pill takes its time to exit your system.
Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Nitrous Oxide (N20) also commonly referred to as laughing gas, is administered through a mask into the nasal region. It allows patients to fully relax and be comfortable during their procedure, and once the machine turns off, the effects of the laughing gas wear off almost immediately.
Relieve Your Dental Anxiety Today
Dental anxiety should not keep you away from the dentist and with the benefits of sedation dentistry there is no reason to avoid going to the dentist. Your oral health is connected to your body’s overall health meaning that it is very important you maintain it. Contact your dentist to learn more.