Failing Dental Implants - Leading Edge Oral Surgery
Dr. Cardo Talks About How Advanced Laser Care Saves Failing Dental Implants
What Causes Dental Implants to Fail?
When cared for properly, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. However, certain oral conditions and other factors may impact the health of oral structures supporting implants, resulting in a condition known as peri-implantitis. The primary cause of failing dental implants, peri-implantitis is an infection that occurs in the gum and bone tissues around your implants. Implants can fail due to other causes such as improper placement or inadequate bone levels.
Factors contributing to failing dental implants and peri-implantitis include poor oral hygiene, previous gum disease, excess dental cement, uneven biting surfaces, smoking and diabetes. Similar to gum disease, peri-implantitis is a destructive oral condition that can lead to failing dental implants and loss of your tooth replacement investment, if left untreated.
Know the Signs and Symptoms of Failing Dental Implants
Peri-implantitis is a significant concern for the health of your implant sites and longevity of your implants. Contact our team promptly if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms of failing dental implants:
Leading Experts in Saving Failing Dental Implants
Dental implants have 98 percent success rate. Though the number of peri-implantitis cases overall is small, our surgeons have advanced expertise in saving failing dental implants with laser techniques. For advanced implant repair, we use the highly effective BIOLASE® WaterLase Express™ and LUXARCare® CO2 lasers to target specific areas of infection surrounding failing dental implants. Laser dentistry gently eradicates harmful bacteria and diseased tissue from affected areas. It then stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities, encouraging regeneration of tissue and expediting recovery. As leaders in our field, we have experienced tremendous results in helping patients save failing dental implants and their tooth replacement investment with our minimally invasive laser approach.
Saving Dental Implants With Biolase
Do not risk losing your implants to peri-implantitis!
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