TMJ Disorders & Orofacial Pain

Jaw Pain? Regain Comfortable Function

Do You Have A TMJ Disorder? Ask Yourself:

  • Are you aware of grinding or clenching your teeth?
  • Do you wake up with sore, stiff muscles around your jaws?
  • Do you have frequent headaches or neck aches?
  • Does the pain get worse when you clench your teeth?
  • Does stress make your clenching and pain worse?
  • Does your jaw click, pop, grate, catch, or lock when you open your mouth?
  • Is it difficult or painful to open your mouth, eat, or yawn?
  • Have you ever injured your neck, head, or jaws?
  • Have you had problems (such as arthritis) with other joints?
  • Do you have teeth that no longer touch when you bite?
  • Do your teeth meet differently from time to time?
  • Is it hard to use your front teeth to bite or tear food?
  • Are your teeth sensitive, loose, broken or worn?
  • Do you have an earache or does your ear feel clogged?
  • Muscle Disorder
  • Myalgia
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Muscle Contractures
  • Muscular Headaches (commonly morning headaches)
  • Joint Disorder
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Jaw Locking – Closed (articular disc displacement without reduction)
  • Jaw Locking – Open (subluxation of the joint)
  • Systemic Disorder (medical disease such as auto-immune condition, PTSD, abnormal growths, etc)
  • Neurological Disorders (headache disorders, trigeminal neuralgia etc)
  • Trauma and/or Stress
  • Sleep Disorders

Self-care treatments can often be effective as well and include:

  • Resting your jaw
  • Keeping your teeth apart when you are not swallowing or eating
  • Eating soft foods
  • Applying ice and heat
  • Exercising your jaw
  • Practicing good posture

Self Care Tips

Don't Live With Jaw Limitations!

Overcome them with TMJ treatment.